

Over the moon to be named among the Cell Press 50 Scientists that Inspire!

A heartfelt thank you to my former and current lab members, mentors, collaborators, and friends – you are my daily inspiration!

You can find my profile here.

If you would like to read the profiles of other inspiring scientists, you can find the entire collection here!


The Maier lab contributes to the German TV show: Gut zu wissen

in German only


Nermin wins best poster award at the joint DGHM/ VAAM Annual Conference 2024.

Congrats, Nermin!


Lara receives the best talk award for her presentation at the 6th International Summer School “Microbes, Host and Infections”.

Well done, Lara!


The DFG establishes a priority programme to elucidate genes functions in the human gut microbiome.

We are delighted to be coordinating this programme together with Bärbel Stecher, Nassos Typas and Jörg Vogel.

credit: Leon Kokkoliadis


Behind the Paper

Blogpost written by doctoral researcher Patrick Müller on our recent Nature Protocol publication. Here you can get a real insight into our daily work.



Mikrobiom – Schlüssel zur Gesundheit?

Together with Christoph Stein-Thöringer in the German science TV show Planet Wissen.


Welche Funkktion hat das Darmmikrobiom – und wie halte ich es gesund? 

Our work was featured in “Apotheken-Umschau”.



Tübingen – Das Kaff mit den Weltstars der Medizin


PhD Student Melanie Brauny contributed to this awesome video!


Have you ever wondered why the Maier lab is interested in colonisation resistance?

Find the answer in this PLOS Biologue Blogpost.


“The Inside Story on Microorganisms”

An excellent summary of the research in our lab by Tilman Wörtz, published in the magazine attempto!.

The Inside Story on Microorganisms –  attempto! 58, 2023, p. 17-21. 


Early Christmas Dinner…

…and joint visit to the Tübingen chocolate market.

We celebrate very successful and eventful year full of exciting research results, great conferences and meetings, and amazing collaborations.

Many thanks to the entire team and our collaborators!


Lisa is among this year’s ERC Starting Grant awardees

In our project “gutMAP”, we aim to investigate the influence of the gut microbiome on the effect of psychotropic drugs. The project is funded by a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) with a total of about 1.5 million euros

© Leon Kokkoliadis / Cluster of Excellence CMFI



Our junior research group is growing into a full professorship!

Lisa got promoted to full professor for Microbiome-Host-Interactions at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen! What a fantastic opportunity to expand our research, our team and our mission!


New board game: Antibio`taktik!

The board game “Antiobio`taktik” is intended to raise awareness of the problem of antibiotic resistance. It was co-developed by our team member Nalini and is now available in German and French. Contact us if you are interested.


Article about our work in Laborjournal

Larissa Tetsch summarized our work for the broader audience in Laborjournal, a German magazine aimed at scientific and technical staff in biological and medical laboratories (in German).


Deciphering the collateral damage of antibiotics on human gut commensals

Press release highlighting our 2021 study.


Our work is featured in the podcast series “Exzellent erklärt! – Spitzenforschung für alle”

In the podcast series, the interdiscplinary work of each of the 57 German Cluster of Excellence is highlighted. For the episode on the Cluster “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections”, Lisa was interviewed by the podcaster Larissa Vassilian.


Non-Antibiotic Drugs Affect our Gut Bacteria

e-learning video showcasing the idea, approach and results of our 2018 study on the extensive effect of non-antibiotic drugs on human gut bacteria.